
Load A New File From Template In Notepad++


What are needed:

  1. htmlTemplate.htm: Your html template
  2. nppNewHtml.bat: a .bat file looking like this:
copy  d:\html\htmlTemplate.htm  d:\html\new.htm
"C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"  d:\html\new.htm

Save nppNewHtml.bat in, for example, d:\html.

In Notepad++, go to menu [Run], or hit [F5].

In the input box shown under the title [Type your program to run here], enter:


Hit [Save] to save it to a run menu item (give it a name like "new html").

From now on, you can go to the [Run] menu and find an item called "new html" that allows you to open a new html file based on your template.







首先,中國產品的條碼,不止「690」開頭。除了「690」外,691~695 都屬於中國。請參考產品國條碼表列


System code, the first two or three digits, usually identifying the country in which the manufacturer is registered (not necessarily where the product is actually made).








How KNN Twists A Report


Michael over the "The view from Taiwan" has an article "Media Management (in)Eptitude" in which he cited an article on Taipei Times KMT starts English, Japanese `news service' regarding the new Kuomintang News Network (KNN) launched by KMT. According to Stephen Chen (陳錫蕃), a KMT think tank member and former (KMT government) representative to the US, one of the main functions of KNN is:

help to counter the biased reports of pro-green English [language] newspapers

and with KNN they will :

provide recent poll results, news analysis from the KMT think tank and selected party news every day

take a more aggressive approach to promote itself internationally through the sites

It's interesting to see such an action from KMT. For a long time some Taiwan-based English bloggers (see Michael's blog and the blogs he links to) have been commenting heavily about how major foreign media like CNN, BBC, etc play the role of Chinese propaganda trumpet by reporting biased Taiwan news in favor of pro-china pan-blue (like KMT). Now KMT is saying that they are the victim?

Knowing that twisting the fact is not something new in KMT culture, I am curious to see how "their" recent poll results would say. It didn't take me too long before I spot a twisting fact on their site. On the second poll I checked, regarding an identity poll conducted by Eva TV, on July 19, 2007, KNN puts up a link to a Word file containing the poll results.

Obviously that's what KNN did on all the poll results showing on their site. But on that particular identity poll mentioned above, they added an extra remark:

Preposterous remark made by KNN. Click to see the full page. (original link)
Can anyone tell me what exactly they are saying? I read it back and forth couple of times but still unable to follow its logic. Not only does it contradict itself in such a short paragraph (in the first half it says no “Both Taiwanese and Chinese” option was given but in the second half it says some respondents were able to choose “Both Taiwanese and Chinese”), but also the logic is completely preposterous -- how come an omission of the "Both" option naturally shows a high percentage of “Taiwanese Only” ? If that is "naturally shown," doesn't it already mean that in deed more people in Taiwan identify themselves as Taiwanese?

Even worse, what it says about the wording is not the fact at all ! Simply bringing out the word file of that identity poll, you will be able to find this table:

Poll result. KMT says the poll didn't offer "Both Taiwanese and Chinese" as an option. Do they think all readers are blind ? (click for larger image, or click here to download the original word file)
Not only does KNN lie about the "Both" option, but also, they attached "only" to "Taiwanese" and "Chinese" options shown in the original poll, such that the original 3 options "Taiwanese, Chinese, Both" was twisted into a 2-option "Taiwanese Only, Chinese Only" in their remark.

You must be amazed by such an desperate, low-wit trick KNN pulled up. The fact is there, right under their nose, yet they try to put up a twisted facade to cheat on people who don't have time for details. Whoever is willing to spend just two more minutes to dig into the Word file will be able to tear their lies apart right on their own page.

Talking about the "wording," who is the real genius here ? Is this what they called "more aggressive approach" ? I feel sympathetic for these poor souls ...


Has Taiwan Never Been A Country In History?


David Lu of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECRO) in San Francisco, a branch of Taiwan's officially unofficial representative office in the US, post an article in San Jose Mercury News regarding the issue of Taiwan entering UN (United Nations' exclusion of Taiwan is unjust). Some readers commented and claimed that "Taiwan has never been a country in the history".

In rebuttal, I post an article:

1) raventhorn: "Fact is, Taiwan NEVER represented itself in any treaty negotiations or signed any treaties. It was always considered as a part of some other country's territorial administration."

2) Alvin Ding: '"Taiwan" was never be a country in history'


These are incorrect statements. In her history, Taiwan established herself as an independent country at least twice, and exercised her sovereignty right through treaties numerous times.

In 1664, Cheng Jing (鄭經), son of Cheng cheng-gong (鄭成功), founded Tong-Ning Kingdom (東寧王國) in Taiwan. The kingdom has her own government, own army, own social system, and own business interactions with surrounding countries. It also has other own diplomatic relationships with other powers, in which Cheng was called "The King of Tyawan." (Taiwan was sometimes spelled as Tyawan at that time)

In 1895, Republic of Taiwan was established in Taiwan by Liu Jing-Song (劉景崧). It is the first republic country in Asia.

Aside from the above 2 official establishments, Taiwanese had exercised their sovereignty right independently as a country. For example, by signing treaties with other countries, as what Michael mentioned in his earlier post:

"the Qing denied controlling Taiwan on several occasions, and foreign powers negotiated directly with local aborigine leaders."

The countries who signed treaties with Taiwanese include USA, after USA marine was defeated (and one of USA Civil War Generals killed) by Taiwan aborigine (in around 1780, I believe).

Following raventhorn's own words: 'Treaties largely make up the foundation of "de jure" sovereignty,' then Taiwan has been an independent sovereignty many times in her history.

These are historical facts that shouldn't be withheld from the readers. I have to agree with Michael: "Raventhorn's 'rebuttal' sounds credible only because he withholds key facts from the reader."

Btw, David Lu's article is full of errors, not only in facts but also in English grammar.


Javascript string replacing function (2)


Previously I mentioned a string replacing function that, instead of building a string this way:

tag= '<' + tagname + ' style="background-color:'
+ bgcolor + ';color:' + color + '">' + text + '</' + tagname +'>'

allows for doing it this way:

tag0= '<___ style="background-color:___;color:___">___</___>'
tag1 = tag0._(tagname, bgcolor, color, text, tagname)

or this way :

tag00= '<[.tagname.] style="background-color:[.bgcolor.];'+

data = {tagname:'span', bgcolor:'#EEFFBB',color:'red',txt:'tag2'}
tag2 = tag00._(data)

After playing with the regular expression for a while, I come up with a short version :

var i=-1, a= arguments
var t= typeof(a[0])=='string'
var rx = t?(/___/g):(/\[\.[A-Za-z0-9_]*\.\]/g)
var f = t?function(x){i++;return a[i]}
:function(x){return a[0][x.slice(2, -2)]||''}
return this.replace(rx,f)

To me it's amazing to see how such a task can be accomplished with such a neat code.


Problems in Javascript Subclassing


In javascript, the subclassing is done this way:

[1] function Person(name, sex){    # Define the superclass
[2] this.name = name
[3] this.sex = sex
[4] this.prn = function(){ return this.name + ', '+ this.sex }
[5] }

[6] function Man(name){ this.sex = 'M' } # Define the subclass
[7] Man.prototype = new Person() # Connect Person and Man

And the instantiation:
[8]  p = new Person('Jane','F')
[9] m = new Man('John')

Checking the function prn (defined in [4]):
p.prn() ==> Jane, F
m.prn() ==> undefined, M

As shown, the name John given to Man when instantiating m ([9]) is NOT transferred to m. It is obvious 'cos we didn't instruct it to do so when defining Man in [6].

Problem.1: Subclass Arguments Are Not Automatically Transferred To Subclass Instances

So, unless explicitly instructed, the arguments of a subclass will not be assigned to the instance of that subclass. That means, [6] needs to be re-defined as:
function Man(name){ 
this.sex = 'M'
this.name= name # <== new line

Note that the above highlighted line already exists in the superclass (line [2]). Why does it have to be re-done again in the subclass ? Didn't we already instruct Person to be the super class ?

Problem.2: An Instance of Subclass Is an Instance of the Superclass too ?

Lets investigate the instanceof operator in javascript:
[10] (p instanceof Person)  ==> true
[11] (m instanceof Man) ==> true
[12] (m instanceof Person) ==> true

Line [10] and [11] are what we expect. But [12]? How come m is an instance of Person ? This doesn't sound right.

Problem.3: The Constructor of A Subclass' Instance Is The Superclass But Not the Subclass ?

Check the constructor of the instances of subclass and of superclass:
[13] getConstructor(p) ==> Person
[14] getConstructor(m) ==> Person

Shouldn't the constructor of m be Man?

Solution Proposal

Lets try a new way of defining a subclass. Instead of
function Man(name){ 
this.sex = 'M'
this.name= name # <== new line

We try this:
function Woman(name){ update(this, new Person(name, 'F'))}
w= new Woman("Jan")

See the following table for comparison:

function Person(name, sex){
this.name = name
this.sex = sex
this.prn = function(){
return this.name +','+this.sex}
function Man(name){
this.sex = 'M'
this.name= name }
Man.prototype = new Person
function Woman(name){
update(this, new Person(name,'F'))




今天讀到大紀元的一篇報導:毒牙膏再演鬧劇 質檢總局大變臉



  1. 中國生產的幾種牙膏含有0.21%至7.5%的二甘醇。
  2. 中國衛生部不久公佈了該部「專家」的評估結論:「長期使用二甘醇含量低於15.6%的牙膏不會對人體健康產生不良影響」,但報告未顯示專家姓名,也沒說明該試驗的具體方法。
  3. 7月16日,中國質檢總局局長公開批評境外媒體對中國出口產品質量問題的報導是"顛倒黑白",他表示,中國食品合格率要高於美國。
  4. 中國工廠即使自己想要合法生產也很困難,因為他們購買的材料本身就是非法的有毒物(可能買不到無毒的)。譬如說,生產用的水,前幾年由於污染的加劇,中國政府不是採取措施防治並減少污染,反而降低水質標準,把以前的污染水當成合格水賣給企業
  5. 今年七月,據中國質檢總局對食品、化肥和農用機械等眾多消費品質量抽查,結果發現19.1%的產品達不到標準。其中最嚴重的是食品問題,特別是罐裝食品、乾果和果汁飲料。
  6. 中國常用油鹽醬醋米麵的合格率平均低於40%,特別是低價食品,其衛生質量根本無法保障。
  7. 中國進口到美國的食品只有 0.9% 有被抽查。即使在如此低的抽樣率下,中國裝船的食品每個月有 200 次在港口被拒收,排名世界第一。
  8. 中國食品藥品質量監測管理局2005年批准了1113個新藥,這數目等於美國近十年來新藥的「受理」總量(看清楚,不是批准量)。

About Subclassing in Javascript


Let the superclass be:

function Person(sex){alert('I am Person')}

and subclasses:

function Man(){this.sex='M'}
function Woman(){this.sex='F'}

The following two subclassing approaches don't seem to make any difference:

Man.prototype = new Person
Woman.prototype = new Person()
m = new Man()
w = new Woman()

In both cases:
  • The function Person will be executed
  • The constructor of both m and w are Person


IE's TextRange.compareEndPoints()


TextRange object

The other day I was coding a web page that needs to make use of some javascript functions of textarea element. I did a little dig-out and ran into this compareEndPoints function. It is a function attached to a TextRange object. The IE-specific TextRange object serves as a mediator for the text input element (<input> with type="text", <textarea>...) to manupilate text-related operations (search, replace, copy, paste, insert ...).

Now assuming we have a <textarea> element object called oTextArea, a TextRange object can be created in one of the following ways:
  1. var oTR1 = oTextArea.createTextRange()
  2. var oTR2 = document.selection.createRange()
These code should appear inside an eventhandler, for example:

  oTextArea.onselect = function(){
var oTR1= this.createTextRange()
var oTR2= document.selection.createRange()

Both oTR1 and oTR2 are a TextRange object that has the following properties:

textThis is the test
<textarea> element
htmlTextThis is the test
&lt;textarea&gt; element.

Note that:
  1. What createTextRange returns (=oTR1) covers the entire value range of <textarea> while createRange covers only the range of text that is selected;
  2. All the numerical property values in TextRange object are in pixel. No information of index (the start and end point for the selected text range) is available;

compareEndPoints (type, textRange)

I won't go through all the methods of the TextRange object but this one compareEndPoints(type, textRange). This function checks the relationship between two TextRange objects by comparing the starting and ending indices of textRange.text :

  textRange1.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", textRange2)

The argument type can be one of the fillowing 4 : "StartToStart", "StartToEnd", "EndToStart" and "EndToEnd". When it is "StartToStart", it compares the starting index of textRange1.text with the that of textRange2.text. The return is either -1, 0 or 1.

Now, the reason that I talk about this compareEndPoints specifically. Since it is used upon two TextRange objects, and as we saw earlier that both createRange() and createTextRange() return a TextRange object, instinctly it would work like this:

   var oTR1= oTextArea.createTextRange()
var oTR2= document.selection.createRange()
var x = oTR1.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", oTR2)

However, it won't work. IE rejects this usage by showing "illegal argument" error. It took me a while of searching and code digging to figure out a way to do this:

   var oTR1 = document.body.createTextRange(); // Create TextRange on entire body 
oTR1.moveToElementText(oTextArea) // Use moreToElementText to move
// the TextRange to the textarea

var oTR2= document.selection.createRange();
var x = oTR1.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", oTR2)

Only when the createTextRange( ) is used in this way can the resulting TextRange object be used together in compareEndPoints( ) with that generated by createRange( ).


My javascript addEvent


In the end of 2005 several web programming gurus, Peter-Paul Koch (ppk), Dean Edward and Scott Andrew LePera host a "javascript recoding contest" in which they asked participants to submit their code for adding and removing events in javascript. A template page was designed to test the code. The winner was John Resig, whose original code is here. The final code was slightly modified version:

function addEvent( obj, type, fn )
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false );
else if (obj.attachEvent)
obj["e"+type+fn] = fn;
obj[type+fn] = function() { obj["e"+type+fn]( window.event ); }
obj.attachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );
function removeEvent( obj, type, fn )
if (obj.removeEventListener)
obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false );
else if (obj.detachEvent)
obj.detachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );
obj[type+fn] = null;
obj["e"+type+fn] = null;

I personally don't feel comfortable with these code. First of all, as one of the comments mentioned (#2 Posted by Tino Zijdel on 18 October 2005) that in cases of multiple-eventhandlers in IE, the eventhandler added last will be executed first:

... since this is for IE a wrapper around attachEvent, the execution order of the events is different ('random' according to Microsofts documentation, but LIFO in practice against FIFO using the W3C event model)

A simple test reveals this problem:

function init(){
var btn=document.createElement('input')
btn.value = 'Click me'
btn.type = 'button'
document.body.appendChild( btn )
addEvent( btn, "click", function(){alert("#1")} )
addEvent( btn, "click", function(){alert("#2")} )

Run the init() function as the onload eventhandler (<body onload="init()">) and load with browser. Firefox alerts "#1" then "#2". But IE alerts "#2" first then "#1", which is not what it should be.

Another part making me uncomfortable is that it uses the entire function content as the key name of a hash:

   obj["e"+type+fn] = fn;
obj[type+fn] = function() { obj["e"+type+fn]( window.event ); }

Although none obvioiusly problem is mentioned or discussed, it could result in extremely long and complex key name, which, IMHO, is not what a hash is supposed to be.

I therefore came up with my own version:

function addEvent( obj, type, fn ) 
obj.eventHooks = obj.eventHooks || {} // set .eventHooks for obj if not exists
var evs = obj.eventHooks[type] || [] // set .eventHooks[type] if not exists
obj.eventHooks[type] = evs.concat( fn.concat? fn:[fn]) // this allows for multiple fns added
obj['on'+type] = function (e) // like addEvent(obj,"click",[f1,f2])
for (var i=0;i<this.eventHooks[type].length;i++)
this.tmp = this.eventHooks[type][i] // attach to the obj such that the this
this.tmp(e) // inside the function points to the obj correctly
this.tmp = undefined
obj = null
function removeEvent( obj, type, fn )
if (obj.eventHooks && obj.eventHooks[type])
var evs = obj.eventHooks[type]
for (var i=0; i<evs.length;i++)
if (evs[i]==fn)
obj.eventHooks[type] = evs.slice(0,i).concat(evs.slice(i+1))
obj = null

Unlike most addEvent inventions, in which either addEventListener or attachEvent is used, the above code simply stores eventhandlers into a buffer that has the following structure:

  obj.eventHooks = { click    : [f1, f2]
, keyup : []
, mouseover: [f3]

For each event, say, click, a function is assigned to the .onclick. This function carries out the following steps:
  1. Check if obj.eventHooks exists. If not, create one
  2. Check if obj.eventHooks.click exists. If not, create one
  3. Loop through each functions in obj.eventHooks.click
  4. For each function, attaches it to obj as a temporary obj.tmp, then executes obj.tmp(e). This makes sure that any this keyword inside that function point to the obj correctly.
A test page, using the contest template, is here. I am sure that there will be some downside along with this code, but at least at this moment it seems to solve the problems came with the winning code.


Javascript string replacing function


In python there's a very convinient string replacing function that comes with every string. The following example show how it works:

To construct a string:   "firstname:Runsun, lastname:Pan, project:wysiwyc"

lastname ='Pan'
project ='wysiwyc'
s= 'firstname:<b>%s</b>, lastname:<b>%s</b>, project:<b>%s</b>'%(firstname, lastname, project)

The symbol % attaching to the end of a string is a function to insert a series of strings (firstname, lastname, project) into the original string. This not only makes it easier to read but also easier to type, as compared to:

'firstname:<b>'+ firstname +'</b>, lastname:<b>'+ lastname+ '</b>, project:<b>'+ project + '</b>'

In javascript you don't have that luxury. I came up with a tiny function that does just that:

function ___(s)
var ss = arguments[0].split('___')
var out= [ss[0]]
for (var i=1;i<ss.length;i++){
return out.join('')

So now you can do this:

s= ___('firstname:<b>___</b>, lastname:<b>___</b>, project:<b>___</b>',firstname, lastname, project)

I found that this syntax is actually better than its python cousin, because the symbol "___" implies that there's something to be filled, just like what we used to do when filling up a form with a pen.

It would look even more clear if we attach this "___()" function to the string prototype:

String.prototype._= function()

var ss = this.valueOf().split('___')
var out= [ss.shift()]
for (var i=0;i<ss.length;i++){
return out.join('')

which allows this:

s= 'firstname:<b>___</b>, lastname:<b>___</b>, project:<b>___</b>'._(firstname, lastname, project)

Some other uses of this function:




tag = '<___ style="___">___</___>'
DIV = tag._('div','___','___','div')
SPAN = tag._('span','___','___','span')
adiv = DIV._("border:1px dashed blue; color:blue", "div example")
aspan= SPAN._("color:red;background-color:yellow", "span example")

The 2nd example gives:

div example
span example

Replace with a data in a hash

The above ___() function is already very helpful. But the original python % has one other feature:

data= {'fname':'Runsun'
,'proj' :'wysiwyc'}
s= 'firstname:<b>%(fname)s</b>, lastname:<b>%(lname)s</b>, project:<b>%(proj)s</b>'%(data)

By inserting a (fname) into %s, you allow the data be in hash form. Now lets put this feature into the ___() function.

Stand-alone ___() function:

function ___(s)
var isObj=false
try {
isObj = arguments[1].constructor.toString().split('(')[0].split(' ')[1]=='Object'
}catch(e) {}

if (isObj)
var args = arguments[1]
for (var k in args) { s=s.split( '_'+k+'_').join( args[k] ) }
return s


var ss = arguments[0].split('___')
var out= [ss[0]]
for (var i=1;i<ss.length;i++){
return out.join("")

Attached to string prototype:

String.prototype._= function()
var ss= this.valueOf()
var isObj=false
try {
isObj = arguments[0].constructor.toString().split('(')[0].split(' ')[1]=='Object'
}catch(e) {}

if (isObj)
var args = arguments[0]
for (var k in args) { ss=ss.split( '_'+k+'_').join( args[k] ) }
return ss


var ss = ss.split('___')
var out= [ss.shift()]
for (var i=0;i<ss.length;i++){
return out.join("")

Now we can do this in javascript:

data= {fname:'Runsun'
,proj :'wysiwyc'}
s= 'firstname:<b>_fname_</b>, lastname:<b>_lname_</b>, project:<b>_proj_</b>'._(data)

Again, IMO, this looks better than its python cousin does.

UPDATE(7/23/07): See a regular expression version of the same function.


HTML tablizer


Introducing a html tablizer -- an online utilite to make simple html table.

The program has an Input Section and Output Section:

Enter your table data in the Input Section and either hit [Submit] button or simply move the cursor away from the input box. Then the resulting table will be shown immediately in the Demonstration in the Output Section. Also, the corresponding HTML code will be displayed in HTML code for copy and paste.

After the HTML code and the demo result are shown, you can modify the HTML code and see the result immediately:

If the resulting table is too wide:

You can hit the button [demo on top] to bring the table up:

Enjoy tablizer here.


△ Recovering CHK files


I have an old One-Touch external hard drive from Maxtor. It went crazy and generated 10,000 FILE????.CHK files about a year ago. My wife and I were worried about that the entire hard drive has gone unstable so we simply gave up using it. Recently I found some spare time trying to search for some tools to recover those CHK files.


One of the most important file types to recover is our photos. The first step I tried was to find some python script that can recognize image files by file content but not by file extensions. There is indeed such a nice little script imghdr.py in python repository. I modified it a little to have it specifically useful in CHK image file recovery (RecognizeImageFiles).
Screenshot of RecognizeImageFiles.py execution

It was quite successful and about 500 image files were recovered. But then, what about other types of files? I went online to search for third-party tools.

UnCHK and FileCHK

Surprisingly there isn't too many tools online. The most popular tools seem to be UnCHK (by Eric Phelps) and FileCHK (by Martin Kratz). They seem to be neat and useful. However, UnCHK (version UnCHK3) froze at the very beginning:

and FileCHK gave an error that reads:

Runtime error "9":
Subscript out of range

It's possible that they couldn't recognize my One-Touch in drive F. Whatever, they don't work in my case.


I then found a MediaHeal from officerecovery. The description reads:

Recovers files from corrupted hard disks. Supported are all common file systems, including NTFS, FAT12, VFAT12, FAT16, and FAT32.

I downloaded the MediaHeal for Hard Drives and gave it a try. Unfortunately, this program only aims at the entire hard drives but doesn't allow users to check folder(s):

MediaHeal doesn't allow you to choose a folder (image shrunk to fit screen)

Much worse, it froze at the very beginning on this screen:

The excution of MediaHeal demo version froze at the very beginning
(image shrunk to fit screen)


Finally, I found RecoverMyFiles from GetData. According to their website, this program allows users to recover deleted files even after the hard disk is reformatted (I didn't even know that it's possible):

Recover deleted files even if emptied from the Recycle Bin
Recover formatted hard drives, even if you have reinstalled Windows!
Recover your files after a hard disk crash
Get back files after a partitioning error
Recover documents, photos, video music and email.
Recover from hard drive, camera card, USB, Zip, floppy disk or other media

and it's able to recover 200 types of files. I downloaded the trial version and was amazed how efficient it was:

The screenshot of RecoverMyFile excution.

It ran smoothly and took less than 4 minutes to complete checking my 250GB One-Touch. You can check the content of each file to decide what file is valuable. Since this is a trial vresion so it doesn't allow real rescuing. But it already impressed me.

Other links


Look for info about a file ext

A list of common file extensions

OfficeRecovery.com (data recovery software for corrupted files)


■ 228 六十週年


228 整整六十週年了。就如過去一樣,台灣藍綠雙方政治人物與支持者都有一大堆活動與討論。我們看看六十週年的今年,跟過去有什麼不同。

● 法律制裁

去年此時,我寫了一篇有關於 228 責任追究與法律制裁的文章(註一),裡頭提到:


反觀台灣人對二二八事件的態度,恐怕任何一個西方人也會為之傻眼 ── 在那樣一個「系統性屠殺」之後,竟然到今天沒有任何審判與定罪。不但如此,當初有系統殺害台灣菁英的那些劊子手,不但沒有任何人接受任何法律制裁,而且接承該殘暴法統的外來勢力至今還在繼續掌握、享有社會資源,甚至還能囂張地利用新聞的編造與扭曲唱衰台灣、撕裂台灣。

並批判泛綠政客對 228 法律追究的漠視:






而這項請求也得到陳總統的正面回應。在新成立的228國家紀念館的揭幕儀式中,陳總統公開指稱蔣中正為 228 的元兇,並承諾政府將對 228 的犯行採取法律追溯(註四):



另外,在泛綠的『與媒體對抗』網站,一個專門探討 228 法律追溯的討論欄已經進行了好一段時間(註五),可見,國人已經漸漸瞭解,「法律制裁」才是解決 228 爭議的唯一方式。這實在是 228 六十週年最令人欣慰的事。

● 官逼民反

同一個時間,幾週前才因貪污罪被起訴的泛藍明星馬英九,再一次地重複去年他發明的「標籤」,指稱 228 屠殺是 『官逼民反』(註六):


我在去年的文章裡,已經強烈批判了馬英九這種言論是在替 228 的元兇脫罪,並污衊在 228 中犧牲的台灣人:





顯然,馬英九欲以「官逼民反」將 228 事件定位為「人民造反」的陰謀,已經被國人所識破。

● 日本是 228 元兇?

還有更離譜的事。前幾日中研院幾個院士發表了一篇完全背離歷史事實的文章,指稱日本與美國才是 228 的元凶,企圖將 228 的責任歸屬轉嫁到日本與美國(註八):


啊??? 蓄意放棄對糧食配給管制,造成光復後台灣糧食大災難,所以是228事件的原兇?


甚且,「沒有糧食管制」造成糧食大災難而導致 228?228 這種涉及整個社會的屠殺事件的原因複雜,怎可能因為單一的「沒有糧食管制」而死那麼多人?這種荒謬的邏輯,這幾個所謂的大學者竟然說得出口?




2007-02-27 14:18
當時基隆港屠殺 可是國民政府軍隊直接用機槍對岸上無辜人民掃射
2007-02-27 14:23
2007-02-27 15:45
2007-02-27 16:52
2007-02-27 17:12
allweiout:是壓是壓/ 幕後大元兇 倒底是誰

這些回應似乎顯示出:這年頭要以學者之名為中國人在 228 事件中屠殺台灣人的劣跡脫罪的努力,已然不能得逞了。

● 可期待的未來

幾週前,陳總統曾說過,現在距離 2008 總統大選還有一段時間,依照台灣意識的發展速度,到了 2008 選總統投票時,台灣人覺醒的程度,將使得那些「支持統一」的候選人完全沒有機會被選上。日前,國民黨的立法院院長王金平也說過類似的話 (註十):

二00八大選時的外省籍問題,將非常嚴重 ... 台灣族群的主體議意識已經發酵了,看看正名問題發酵了沒?中南部已經強烈反映不會投給外省人了

以最近台灣政府大刀闊斧的正名運動,以及民間將 228 事件由「政治層面」回歸到「法治層面」的舉動,似乎顯示,局勢是在台灣人這邊,2008 總統大選,不管親中的泛藍泛橘泛紅抬出什麼人選,以逆著台灣意識的姿態,要贏得政權恐怕很難了。

● 參考資料



註三:Taiwanese demand trial of late president Chiang for massacre

註四:扁:轉型正義新階段 追訴元兇

註五:從艾斯曼案(The Eichman Case)來探討228集體大屠殺罪責如何追究


註七:馬稱228「官逼民反」 扁反駁

註八:228事件60週年/中研院:日本是元兇 美國是幫兇

註九:「228事件60週年/中研院:日本是元兇 美國是幫兇」討論區

註十:王金平:2008大選 外省籍問題將非常嚴重




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